Hi, I'm Hrithik Mani Tripathi 👋

A Full-Stack Developer passionate about building scalable and visually stunning applications using the MERN stack. Currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science at Parul University, I have hands-on experience in web development, API integration, and performance optimization.

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🚀 My Expertise

Full-Stack Development

Specialized in MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js).

UI/UX & Frontend

Developing responsive and aesthetic designs using React.js & Vite.

Backend & Databases

Building robust REST APIs, authentication systems, and data management solutions.

🎓 Education & Achievements

Parul University

B.Tech in Computer Science (Ongoing)

Hackathons & Projects

🏆 Participated in Hackathons | 💡 Built a University LMS Platform